Dr Stewart Worrall

Dr Stewart Worrall

Senior Research Fellow
Australian Centre for Field Robotics
+61 2 9351 4514
+61 2 9351 7474
Dr Stewart Worrall
Project titleResearch student
Light Field Imaging for Perception in Autonomous and Assisted DrivingNikolai GONCHAROV
Designing External Human-Machine Interfaces for Vehicles to Interact with PedestriansHenry LYU
Multi-modality input for 3D occupancy predictionZhenxing MING
Robust global localisation in autonomous drivingNguyen TRAN
Innovative sensing and interaction between automatic vehicle and other road users in rural and remote regionsTzu-yun TSENG
Bringing Explainability of Artificial Intelligent Systems to Pedestrian-autonomous Vehicle InteractionXinyan YU


Selected Grants


  • RES: iMove CRC & VivoPower - Project 6-033: Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: Electrifying Fleets with a Circular Economy Approach - Stewart Worrall - RA0002922, Worrall S, iMOVE Australia Ltd/CRC Research Agreement
  • RES: iMove CRC: Project 1-079: The Development and Performance Testing of A LAARMA - Large Animal Activated Roadside Monitoring and Alert System - Stewart Worrall, Worrall S, iMOVE Australia Ltd/Research Project


  • Development and Demonstration of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) on NSW Roads, Worrall S, Nebot E, Narula K, O'Shannessy R, iMOVE Australia Ltd/CRC Research Agreement
  • Shared-space interactions between people and autonomous vehicles, Tomitsch M, Worrall S, Parker C, Kay J, Nebot E, Marvin S, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)