Professor Roger Magnusson

Professor Roger Magnusson

BA LLB (Hons) (ANU) PhD (Melbourne) GradDip Managing Development (Melbourne)
Professor of Health Law and Governance
+61 2 9351 0211
+61 2 9351 0200
Professor Roger Magnusson

Roger Magnusson is Professor of Health Law and Governance at the University of Sydney Law School, Australia. His research interests are in health law, policy and bioethics; public health law and governance; and health development. In 2002 he published Angels of Death: Exploring the Euthanasia Underground (Melbourne University Press; Yale University Press) which reported on the practice of “underground” physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia among health professionals working in HIV/AIDS health care in Australia and in San Francisco. Roger’s current research explores legal and regulatory options for preventing non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes) and their risk factors, including tobacco use, obesity, poor diet, and harmful use of alcohol.

Professor Magnusson is internationally recognised for his work in public health law, particularly in the development of legal and regulatory responses to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). He was appointed Co-chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Implementation, Monitoring and Accountability for the World Health Organisation's Global Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity. He is the lead author of a report entitled Advancing the right to health: the vital role of law, a project undertaken with colleagues at the International Development Law Organisation, the World Health Organisation and the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University, to assist low- and middle-income countries in the process of reforming their public health laws. Professor Magnusson is an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington D.C.

Professor Magnusson is a member of the Public Health Scientific and Technical Expert Group which advises the Public Health Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), based in New Caledonia. He was previously a member of the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Advisory Committee (TSEAC) of Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), which advised the Australian Government on the risks posed by Creutzfeldt Jakob disease and variant CJD (the human equivalent of “mad cow disease”).

Professor Magnusson is a member of the Governing Board of the Charles Perkins Institute at the University of Sydney, a multidisciplinary, university-wide Centre that is focused on addressing the problems of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. He is currently working on an Australian Research Council-funded project entitled “Evidence-informed Legal Strategies for Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease and Diabetes: What Can Australia Learn from the United States?”

  • Public health law, policy and governance
  • Health law, health policy and ethics
  • Health and development
  • Law and non-communicable diseases
  • End of life decision-making
  • Qualitative interview-based research related to the areas above


  • Medical Law
  • Banking and Financial Instruments


  • Critical Issues in Public Health Law
  • Law and Healthy Lifestyles
  • Member, Public Health Association of Australia
  • Member, American Public Health Association
  • Member, International Editorial Board, Public Health (Journal of the Royal Society of Public Health, UK)
Project titleResearch student
The self-substantiation of food health claims in Australia: a policy analysisSally MCDONALD


Selected Grants


  • Strengthening food systems governance at the local level, Reeve B, Charlton K, Magnusson R, Rose N, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)


  • PLANET Sydney - the PhysicaL Activity NETwork Sydney University, Bauman A, Kay J, Sherrington C, Rissel C, Greaves S, Mulley C, Gill T, Davis G, Refshauge K, Fiatarone Singh M, Hardy L, Baur L, Allman-Farinelli M, Clemson L, Magnusson R, Kilbreath S, Neubeck A, Dhillon H, Chau J, Johnson N, DVC Research/Research Network Scheme (SyReNS)
  • NETWORK FOR ORGANS, BODIES AND TISSUES (NBOT), Stewart C, Anderson W, Cashman P, Cooper M, Griffiths P, Hooker L, Jordens C, Kerridge I, Lupton D, Magnusson R, Michael M, Pols H, Race K, Salkeld G, Savell K, Scott Bray R, Shewan L, Waldby C, DVC Research/Research Network Scheme (SyReNS)

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