Professor Christopher Little

Professor Christopher Little

Director Raymond Purves Bone and Joint Research Labs
Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Northern Clinical School
Kolling Institute
Institute of Bone and Joint Research
02 9926 4800
02 9926 5266
Professor Christopher Little

Professor Christopher Little is director of the Raymond Purves Bone and Joint Research Labs at the Kolling Institute of Medical Research at Royal North Shore Hospital, Australia. Chris is a qualified Veterinarian with specialist surgery training and ACVS certification. He was awarded a PhD degree from the University of Sydney in 1996 for his studies of cartilage degradation in a sheep model of osteoarthritis (OA). Following a 5-year postdoctoral position at Cardiff University (UK), he was awarded an Arthritis Foundation of Australia Fellowship at the University of Melbourne. In 2004 he moved to his current position in the University of Sydney Faculty of Medicine. Chris's research interests focus on defining the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of joint pathology in OA, and tendon and intervertebral disc degeneration, and are based on the belief that it is only though a better understanding the mechanisms that drive the initiation and progression of these diseases that new therapies can be developed. Chris is recognized internationally for his expertise in the development and use of animal models of bone and joint disease. He has served as an Associate Editor of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, and a leader of the OARSI international initiative to establish standardised methods for evaluation of animal models of OA. Chris received the 2010 Barry Preston Award from the Matrix Biology Society of Australia and New Zealand, presented to an outstanding leader in the field.

Healthy Ageing, Lifespan
Project titleResearch student
Understanding and modulating the senescence-mediated osteoarthritis endotype.Sidharth ARAVIND
Characteristics of Human Tendons and Ligaments used for Autografts and Allografts in Orthopaedic SurgerySam HEFFERAN


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Selected Grants


  • Does mild joint injury and how its managed, increase risk of catastrophic injury and post-traumatic osteoarthritis?, Little C, Blaker C, Clarke E, Duong V, Cross T, Arthritis Foundation of Australia/Project Grants
  • Getting to the Heart of Osteoarthritis (OA): targeting joint-derived micro-RNAs (miRs) to reduce OA-associated cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, Little C, Shu C, Mihailidou A, Aston A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Ideas Grant
  • Rewarding Research 2024, Little C, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success


  • Tissue engineering using iPSC-derived chondrocyte organoids to repair articular cartilage damage, Little C, Novo Nordisk Foundation/Research Grant