Dr Lene Seidler

Dr Lene Seidler

PhD, MSc, BSc
Senior Research Fellow
Team Lead, NextGen Evidence Synthesis
Research Associate, Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)
Co-Convenor Cochrane Prospective Meta-Analysis Methods Group
+61 02 9562 5082
Dr Lene Seidler

Anna Lene Seidler (Lene) is a Senior Research Fellow and biostatistician at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre (CTC), University of Sydney where she leads the NextGen Evidence Synthesis team. She is also a Research Associate for the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry and Co-Convenor for the Cochrane Prospective Meta-Analysis Group. Lene specialises in systematic reviews, methods development, project management, and individual participant data (IPD). She leads several large international research projects, such as the iCOMP collaboration and the TOPCHILD collaboration. Her clinical focus areas are obesity and neonatology.

Lene has previously worked and studied at the University of Edinburgh, Humboldt University Berlin and the German Centre for Gerontology. Her research has won several scholarships and awards, including the Australasian Epidemiological Association Early Career Researcher Award.

Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health, Lifespan
Project titleResearch student
Eating disorder prevalence and symptoms during behavioural weight managementHannah MELVILLE
Data sharing in health researchAidan TAN


Selected Grants


  • Rewarding Research 2024, Seidler A, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success
  • RES: data meta analysis for the HiLo-Trial - Canadian Institutes of Health Research via The Governors of the Unviersity of Alberta - Anna Lene Seidler, Seidler A, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)/Project Grant


  • FMH Showcase Travel Award 2023, Seidler A, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Showcase Travel Award 2023
  • AIMOS2022 travel grant, Seidler A, Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-Research and Open Science/AIMOS2022 Travel Grant

Collaboration Group Publications

  • Robledo, K., … et al., APTS Childhood Follow-up Study collaborators (2022). Effects of delayed versus immediate umbilical cord clamping in reducing death or major disability at 2 years corrected age among very preterm infants (APTS): a multicentre, randomised clinical trial. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 6(3), 150-157. [More Information]

Books/ reports

  1. Willson ML*, Seidler AL*, Aberoumand M, Williams JG, Hunter KE, Barba A, Webster AC, Askie LM, Simes RJ. Latest update of the clinical trials landscape in Australia 2006 – 2020. Sydney: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry. December 2022. *These authors contributed equally to this project. https://doi.org/10.25910/t9n1-bm45
  1. Seidler AL, Hunter KE, Berber S, Barba A, Wynn M, Vu T, Simes RJ, Askie LM. The clinical trials landscape in New Zealand 2006-2015. Sydney: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry 2018. ANZCTR.
  2. Panteli D, …, Seidler AL, …, Busse R.et al., 2023. Health and care data: approaches to data linkage for evidence-informed policy, World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. Switzerland. https://policycommons.net/artifacts/4464855/health-and-care-data/5262158/ CID: 20.500.12592/7nrf1s.
  3. Askie LM, Hunter K, Berber S, Langford A, Tan-Koay, Vu T, Sausa R, Seidler AL, Ko H, Simes RJ. Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry 2017. The clinical trial landscape in Australia 2006–2015. Sydney: ANZCTR.


  1. Love TD, Li X, Sotiropoulos JX, Williams JG, Libesman S, Hunter KE, Seidler AL. A Scoping Review of Published and Ongoing Prospective Meta-Analyses in Health Research: Study Protocol. medRxiv. 2023:2023-05. (pre-print available at: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.18.23290213)
  2. Hunter K, Aberoumand M, Libesman S, Sotiropoulos J, Williams J, Li W, Aagerup J, Mol B, Wang R, Barba A, Shrestha N, Webster A, & Seidler AL. Development of the Individual Participant Data (IPD) Integrity Tool for assessing the integrity of randomised trials using individual participant data. MedRxiv. 2023:2023-12. (pre-print available at https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.12.11.23299797)
  3. Kumar S, Tarnow-Mordi W, Mol B, Flenady V, Liley H, Badawi N, Colditz P, Walker S, Hyett J, Seidler AL, Callander E, Boral S, O’Connel R. The iSEARCH Trials to improve perinatal outcomes: Protocol for a randomised trial of oral Sildenafil in labour in 3,200 Australian women and Rationale for an Individual Participant Data Prospective Meta-Analysis of trials in 15,000 women in countries with low perinatal mortality rates and a mega-trial in 50,000 women in countries with moderate or high perinatal mortality rates. (pre-print available at: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1380362/v1)
  4. Wilkinson JD, Heal C, Antoniou GA, Alfirevic Z, Avenell A, Barbour V, Brown NJ, Carlisle J, Dicker P, Dumville J, Grey A…[+others},Seidler AL, [+others]. Protocol for the development of a tool (INSPECT-SR) to identify problematic randomised controlled trials in systematic reviews of health interventions. medRxiv. 2023:2023-09. (pre-print available at: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.21.23295626)
  5. Wilkinson JD, Heal C, Antoniou GA, [+others],Seidler AL, [+others]. A survey of experts to identify methods to detect problematic studies: Stage 1 of the INSPECT-SR Project. medRxiv.. (pre-print available at: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.18.24304479)
  6. Barnes C, Jones J, Wolfenden L, Robertson K, Seidler AL, Norman J, Budgen P, Mattingly M, Piliskic C, Moorhouse L, Mozina J. A collaborative network trial to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation strategies to maximise adoption of a school-based healthy lunchbox program: A study protocol. medRxiv. 2023:2023-11.